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License Renewal for Manufacture of Physical Granulated Mixture of Fertiliser / Organic Fertiliser / Biofertilizer, Rajasthan
The available form can be used to fill & submit Application for Renewal of Certificate of Manufacture of Physical or Granulated Mixture of Fertiliser or Organic Fertiliser or Biofertiliser
Stock License Renewal for Restricted Insecticides / Commercial Pest / Control Operation, Rajasthan
The available form may be used to fill & submit Application for renewal of License of stock and use of restricted insecticides for commercial pest control operation
License Renewal for Sell Stock / Exhibit for Sale / Distribute Insecticide, Rajasthan
The available form may be used to fill & submit Application for renewal of License to sell stock or exhibit for sale or distribute Insecticide
Grant License for Sell Stock / Exhibit for Sale / Distribute Insecticide, Rajasthan
The available form may be used to fill & submit Application for grant of License to sell stock or exhibit for sale or distribute Insecticide
Services for Rural Areas in Chhattisgarh
Access to application form for Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Sanitation- request for Cleaning and Street light bulb change request in Chhattisgarh is given. Users can filled the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are available.
Svamitva Scheme by Ministry of Panchayati Raj
SVAMITVA, a Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of Panchayati Raj was nation-wide launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on National Panchayati Raj Day, 24th April 2021 after successful completion of pilot phase of scheme ( 2020-2021) in 9 states. Scheme is a reformative step towards establishment of clear ownership of property in rural inhabited (“Abadi”) areas, by mapping of land parcels using drone technology and providing ‘Record of Rights’ to village household owners with issuance of legal ownership cards (Property cards/Title deeds) to the property owners.
Agriculture Land Value Certificate Application, Gujarat
Citizen can check land value rates online.
Directorate of Economic and Statistics, Chhattisgarh
The main objective of the Directorate is to provide important statistics on area, production, land use, cost and yield of principal crops, minimum support prices, to implement schemes related to improvement of agricultural statistics, and carrying out agro-economic research as well as generation and dissemination of agricultural statistics and research and analysis.
Soil Testing and Technology Advisory Centre by TNAU Agritech Portal, Tamil Nadu
Check district-wise details of soil in Tamil Nadu. Users can select a district to view all details and maps related to soil of that particular district.
Holistic Agriculture Development Program - HADP, Jammu and Kashmir
The Holistic Agriculture Development Program (HADP) is a comprehensive program launched by the Agriculture Production Department of Jammu and Kashmir. It consists of 29 projects covering various aspects of agriculture, including horticulture, crop production, and livestock husbandry. The program aims to transform the agricultural economy of Jammu and Kashmir by promoting sustainability and commercial viability through 75 schemes.