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Other Backward Classes Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of Other Backward Class (OBC) Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
Jharbhu Lagan is an DILRMP-Jharkhand to facilitate easy and hassle free collection of Land revenue Rents, Jharkhand
Get service for JharBhuLagan is an initiative of jharkhand Govt. under DILRMP-Jharkhand to facilitate easy and hassle free collection of Land revenue Rents. Using this service citizens can pay their Land Rents directly to the government and can generate their Rent receipts from the portal.
This service is used to add the missing survey number in the ROR 1 B.
Check district wise weather forecast
Check weather forecast for different districts of the country. Users can search state and district wise weather information by the interactive map. Details such as rainfall, temperature, cloud cover, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, etc. are available.
Telangana: Issue of Small and Marginal Farmers Certificate: Application Form
Using this application a citizen can get a Small and Marginal farmer certificate so that he / she can claim input subsidy, crop insurance, bank loans etc.
AuditOnline Facilating Audit in Government
AuditOnline is a configurable platform enabling Government entities to facilitate their internal and external audits and to comply with the Comptroller and Audit General of India’s (CAG) defined standards and guidelines. It aids effective auditing by ensuring tracking & monitoring of end-to-end auditing process.
Andaman and Nicobar State Portal
Official State Portal of Andaman & Nicobar Administration
Search panchayat reports for Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan
Search the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) reports for panchayats in districts across various states of the country. Users can select state, district, block and Gram-Panchayat to search reports of the NBA programme under the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation for the respective region.
Telangana: Corrections in Food Security Card
A citizen who has a Food Security Card can use this service to make corrections on the card.
Telangana: Conversion of White Card to Pink Card Application Form
"This service helps citizens covert their ration cards from White card to Pink card."