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Check sale and availability of fertilizers
Check availability and sale of fertilizers through fertilizer monitoring system by Department of Fertilizers. Users can get details about urea dispatch, urea sales, decontrolled fertilizer dispatches, decontrolled fertilizer sales, etc. Information about fertilizer companies, dealers, retailers, maximum retail price, concession rates, etc. can also be accessed.
Maharashtra: Nursery license for sale of seedling/grafts
Check how to apply for Nursery license for sale of seedling/grafts by the agriculture department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.
Remote Sensing Applications Centre (TRAC) Web GIS Service, Telangana
Web GIS provides operation platform for field surveyors to collect, modify, and measure the spatial data in an easy and effective way.
Jharbhu Lagan is an DILRMP-Jharkhand to facilitate easy and hassle free collection of Land revenue Rents, Jharkhand
Get service for JharBhuLagan is an initiative of jharkhand Govt. under DILRMP-Jharkhand to facilitate easy and hassle free collection of Land revenue Rents. Using this service citizens can pay their Land Rents directly to the government and can generate their Rent receipts from the portal.
Online License Management System: Department of Agriculture, Telangana
The Online Licence Management System of Agriculture department is used by the citizen to apply online for the dealership of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. The site helps users in resubmitting the application form if needed, checking the app status, getting verified by the third party user.
AuditOnline Facilating Audit in Government
AuditOnline is a configurable platform enabling Government entities to facilitate their internal and external audits and to comply with the Comptroller and Audit General of India’s (CAG) defined standards and guidelines. It aids effective auditing by ensuring tracking & monitoring of end-to-end auditing process.
Telangana: Conversion of White Card to Pink Card Application Form
"This service helps citizens covert their ration cards from White card to Pink card."
Check district wise weather forecast
Check weather forecast for different districts of the country. Users can search state and district wise weather information by the interactive map. Details such as rainfall, temperature, cloud cover, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, etc. are available.
Agriculture Department, Uttar Pradesh - Register Complaints
Agriculture Department in Uttar Pradesh enables online submission of complaints, suggestions, Farmer's questions, technical problems
Other Backward Classes Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of Other Backward Class (OBC) Certificate,Himachal Pradesh