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Agriculturist Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of Agriculturist Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
Ration Lifting Status, Jharkhand
Get service for Beneficiary can check online how much Rationis lifted against the entitelment
Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, Minority and Backward Class Welfare Department, Jharkhand
Get service for Department of Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, Minority and Backward Class Welfare provides access to details such as Departmental Documents & Orders, Publications & Announcements, Schemes, Downloads etc
This service is used to add the missing survey number in the ROR 1 B.
Telangana: Corrections in Food Security Card
A citizen who has a Food Security Card can use this service to make corrections on the card.
Telangana: Issue of Small and Marginal Farmers Certificate: Application Form
Using this application a citizen can get a Small and Marginal farmer certificate so that he / she can claim input subsidy, crop insurance, bank loans etc.
Search panchayat reports for Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan
Search the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) reports for panchayats in districts across various states of the country. Users can select state, district, block and Gram-Panchayat to search reports of the NBA programme under the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation for the respective region.
Filling of Online Grievance related to Kalia Scheme, Odisha
Get service for Online Grievance Application Form.
Telangana State Forest Development Corporation Limited - Information
The site provides complete information on Telangana State Forest Development Corporation Limited. The corporation's objectives incude-to raise industrial plantations -to meet the raw material requirement of the wood based industries in the state. to Contribute in protection of the environment and increased forest land productivity. to provide gainful employment to the local tribals and rural people and to provide consultancy in raising plantations of various species.
Online submission & monitoring of forest clearance proposals by Ministry of Environment and Forests
Avail services for Online submission & monitoring of forest clearance proposals provided by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Users can sign up and login to avail services for forest clearances of proposals. You can access the court Rules, Acts, Orders, Directions, etc. Information about the Forest Advisory Committee is also given.