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Department of Revenue, Registration & Land Reforms, Jharkhand
Get service for JLDS is an initiative of jharkhand Govt. under DILRMP-Jharkhand to provide easy and hassle Land Measurement services to the citizens. Using this service users can file applications to get their Land measured by the govt. Ameen and can also get the Land measurement.
This service is used to get the Agriculture Land Value certificate which will be useful to get the loan against the agriculture land.
MoPR: India Panchayat Knowledge Portal. One stop for all the Panchayat related information
The India Panchayat Knowledge Portal (IPKP) is a catalogued repository of Panchayat related knowledge- processes, procedures, learnings, problem solving, innovation and creativity engaged (as lessons learnt) by the States/ other stakeholders, so that various stakeholders can access it for different uses. This would result in central availability of both theoretical and empirical knowledge for all the stakeholders to use.
Adangal is a very important revenue record, as it contains details of land such as owner's details, area, assessment, water rate, soil type, nature of possession of the Land, Liabilities, Tenancy and Crops grown, etc. This service is used to get the Adangal copy.
Chhattisgarh: Chhattisgarh State Website
Check and get information regarding different departments available in Chhattisgarh.
Andhra Pradesh, Single Window Land Conversion
"This service facilitates the citizen to apply for conversion his/her existing Agricultural land to Non-agricultural land/commercial Purposes"
Bhuiyan, Chhattisgarh
Citizen can view the land details online. Can download digitally signed RoR if available. Can apply online for digitally signed document If not already available. Citizencan also view and download Land parcel maps.
Check Details of Plantation & Other Forestry Works (e-Green Watch)
"Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change offers an e-Governance Portal for automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to plantation & other Forestry works, with the supervision of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA), set up under the Chairmanship of Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India"
Telangana: Department of Revenue - No Objection Certificate for Lands
Through this service, citizens can get a No Objection Certificate for construction of a new house or for carrying out construction work in an existing house in a village or a town.
Application for Work under MGNREGA,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Demanding Work under MGNREGA,Himachal Pradesh