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Check status of complaint lodged for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna
Check status of registered complaint related to the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY). Users can check status of a complaint by entering the complaint number. Link to view the replies of other feedbacks is also available.
YSR RAITHU BHAROSA - Payment Status, Andhra Pradesh
YSR RAITHU BHAROSA - Payment status
Application for BPL Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of BPL Card to BPL Family,Himachal Pradesh
Character Certificate, Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Issuance of Character Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
mKisan SMS Portal for farmers
mKisan SMS Portal for farmers enables all Central and State government organizations in agriculture and allied sectors to give information/services/advisories to farmers by SMS in their language, preference of agricultural practices and location. Users can get information on the Push SMS, Pull SMS, services, IVRS, mobile apps, etc. You can also register for SMS services.
Ration Card Modifications (EPDS INTEGRATION): Application Form
This service can be used by citizens to request for changes in the Ration Card details. However full name change of the members in the card is not permitted.
Telangana: Chief Commissioner of Land Administration Portal- Information
This portal provides information on various programs and initiatives taken up by Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA) such as Conducting original/resurvey /supplement survey and creation of land records, maintenance of survey etc.
Telangana : Application for Old Adangal
"This application form helps citizens to request for old Adangal/Pahani is a very important Revenue record, as it contains details of land such as owner's details, area, assessment, water rate, soil type, Liabilities, Tenancy and Crops grown, etc.."
Integrated Fertilizer Management System
Mobile Fertilizer Management System provides various online services such as registration, search for dealers, stock availability, MIS reports (Management Information System), Direct benefit Transfer (DBT) reports
Maharashtra: Issuing Certified Copy of Survey Record
Check how to apply for Issuing Certified copy of survey record provided by land record department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.