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Check company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) name
Check the company or Limited Liability Partnership name online. You need to provide the name of the company and activities it carries out to check the detailed information.
Application for Issue of License to Money Lender and Pawn Brokers
The request is regarding issue of License to Money Lenders/Pawn Brokers to take up Money lending/Pawn Broking activities.
Apply online for Registration of a Society
Any person who wishes to register a society with the aim to promote charitable activities like art, education, religion, culture, sports etc. shall apply for its registration under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Gujarat: Obtain Character Certificate
Applicant may apply online for Character Certificate on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat : Farmer Certificate
Applicant may apply online for Farmer Certificate. A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all Government to Citizens Services for citizens of Gujarat State.
Search online tenders by their value
Search online tenders by entering the monetary value in selected currencies through the Tenders Information System. Users can search tenders by selecting currency, organisation, organisation type, product, tender category, project location etc.
Application for License of Fertilizer, Jammu and Kashmir
Qualified citizens may apply for the license of Pesticides by specifying details such as their qualifications, the pesticide details, the shop from where the pesticides will be stored and sold, and uploading required documents such as qualification proof, Bank Statement, PAN Card etc
Apply online for License for Storing/Selling Crackers
Applicant who wish to store and sell crackers need to obtain an appropriate permit from the District Administration for the same. (Non-resident of Andaman not eligible to avail this service)
Gujarat: Application for Duplicate Ration Card
Application for Duplicate Ration Card Applicant may apply online for a Duplicate Ration Card
Haryana: Shop Registration under shops and establishment act
Shopkeepers looking to obtain a shop license can do so by registering at investharyana.in, completing the required application, and opting for the service.