Electricity, Water and Local services

5067 services

Application for Inclusion of Name in the Electoral Roll by an Overseas Elector (Form-6A), Himachal Pradesh

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Users can download the application for Inclusion of Name in the Electoral Roll by an Overseas Elector (Form-6A) in Himachal Pradesh

Application for Inclusion of Name in Electoral Roll (Form-6), Himachal Pradesh

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Users can download the application form for Inclusion of Name in Electoral Roll (Form-6) in Himachal Pradesh

Online Booking of Gymkhana Club, Haryana

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Online Booking of Gymkhana Club

Search Uttarakhand Government Orders

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You can search the Uttarakhand Government Orders. The orders can be searched by department's name, date and category. Users need to first select the department for which the orders are required, date of order and category of order like budget, pay, pensions etc.

Uttarakhand Government Orders and Disclosures

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You can access the Uttarakhand Government's Orders and Disclosures. Users can get the orders, schemes and projects documents, appointments, employee transfers, documents of department promotions etc. District-wise summary reports can also be searched.

Obtain Permission for Water Connections, Kerala Water Authority

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To acquire permission for a water connection, follow the designated procedure, ensuring the legal and compliant provision of water services to your property or establishment.

  • Registration required
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Application Form for Arms Licence in Tamil Nadu

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Apply online for arms licence in the state of Tamil Nadu provided by the Department of Police. Users can apply for fresh licence, renewal of licence and outstation licence. An applicant needs to fill up this online form with personal details such as name, gender, date of birth, address, occupation and contact numbers etc. to apply for the licence.

Online Bill Preparation, Haryana

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Bill is signed digitally by the DDO by logging through his checker password and then the bill is sent to treasury online.

Verification and Digital Signing of Bills, Haryana:

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Bill is signed digitally by the DDO by logging through his checker password and then the bill is sent to treasury online.

Ration Card Management System. Punjab

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Using this website, department officer enters request for new Ration Card, Surrender, Addition or deletion of member in the family and renewal of the Ration Card. The applicant gives application in paper form which then is entered using the mechanism in the portal.