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Online Death Services, New Delhi Municipal Council
Online Death system help citizens to print their Death certificate, status check, correction etc.
Check Birth Records Detail in Nagar Nigam Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Parents in Nagar Nigam Gorakhpur can check the birth detail of their children online to obtain official birth certificates. This service facilitates the timely and efficient registration of births, ensuring proper documentation for newborns.
Online Death Certificate, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Tamil Nadu
Online Death Certificate for citizens of Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Tamil Nadu
Apply for Correction in Birth or Death Record, Haryana
This service is to apply for Correction in Birth or Death Record from Agricultural Marketing Board. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Death Certificate in Ahmedabad
" Any Citizen can apply online for death certificate through this portal. Citizens can avail this service after login. Citizens are facilitated with death certificate, correction etc. and the status is provided through SMS as well as personal emails. However, different local bodies have different portals."
Marriage Registration
Online Application for Marriage Registration
Application form for Duplicate Ration card
Beneficiary can get duplicate ration card in case of loss of existing card by filling this form. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Search Birth/Death/Still Birth Record with Mysuru City Corporation, Karnataka
Search Birth/Death/Still Birth Record with Mysuru City Corporation, Karnataka
Application Form for Resident Certificate in Maharashtra
Apply for Resident certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Apply for online birth certificate, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Tamil Nadu
Users can apply for online birth certificate, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, Tamil Nadu