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Information on CoWIN
Check your nearest COVID-19 vaccination center and availability of slots.
Registered Doctors Verify your Medical Council of India Certificate
Registered doctors verify the Medical Council of India (MCI) certificate online. Users can verify details by selecting type of certificate such as provisional or permanent certificate for Indian or foreign qualifications and entering certificate number.
Apply Online for Retail / Wholesale Drug License
Apply Online for Retail / Wholesale Drug License
Check online Central Government Health Scheme beneficiary reimbursement claim status
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiaries can check status of their reimbursement claim status online. Users can get details related to their medical claim by entering their CGHS beneficiary ID and claim number.
Aysshman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Agrogya Yojana, Kerala
This service is to apply for Beneficiary eligible for PMJAY benefits and nearest hospital empaneled in PMJAY
Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers by Institute of Preventive Medicine
International Travellers can book an appointment with Institute of Preventive Medicine for vaccination for yellow fever, MMR, meningitis, etc. through online Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers (VAIT) system. Users can register for appointment, check status of appointment, check appointment details report and cancel appointments. Guidelines for travellers and immunization are given. Details related to VAIT requirements, service charges and working hours are also available.
Apply for provisional certificate for clinical establishment
Apply online for provisional certificate for your clinical establishment as provided under the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010. Users need to follow three steps to complete the registration form. One needs to first create a username and password, then login and apply for provisional registration. After successful completion of registration, one can get the provisional certificate. Users manual is also provided with instructions to avail this online service.
Scheme of Rajiv Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Telangana
Information on Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme and its history is avilable with this application mentioning that this scheme is a unique Community Health Insurance Scheme being implemented in the State. Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme provides financial protection to families living below poverty line up to Rs. 2 lakhs in a year for the treatment of serious ailments requiring hospitalization and surgery.
UHID Registration of eHealth, Kerala
UHID Registration of eHealth, Kerala
Book appointment online for Government Hospitals
You can register and get an appointment online for the government hospitals. Users can get an OPD appointment, lab reports and check blood availability in any government hospital online. Mobile app is also available for users to get an appointment for the government hospitals. The dashboard is given for information about the hospitals registered with the portal, total appointments, government departments, etc.