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Login for Individual Officers- DoPT
Empanelment & Appraisal System (E.A.S.Y.) for Individual Officers enables government officers to log in for submitting their self appraisals which contribute towards their individual ACR dossiers (Annual Confidential Reports) in the appraisal process
Apply online for Animal Husbandry Farm Inputs
Applicant wants to buy Poultry, Piggery, Goatery, Diary Farm, Hatchery
Information on career opportunity in Indian Air Force
Get detailed information about the career opportunity in the Indian Air Force (IAF). Information is provided on career options, training establishment, selection procedure, life in Air Force, pay, pay and benefits, Air Force history, etc. One needs to select qualification from a drop down list to find career options in the IAF. Examination schedule, syllabus, candidate list, etc. are also available.
Online Registration for Job Seeker, Kerala
For job seeker registration, access the dedicated portal, enabling individuals to register their employment preferences and skills, facilitating job matching and career opportunities in Kerala
E-Rozgar portal for online employment services of Himachal Pradesh government
E-Rozgar portal provides online employment services to job seekers in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Job seekers can register themselves, view their registration details, apply for registration renewal and update their details. Details of vacancies, recruitment examinations are given. The notice board is also provided for new job updates.
Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board
The Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board is the state agency authorized by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to conduct the for entry-level appointments to the various departments and Services under Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Portal of the Employment Exchange of Labor and Employment, Arunachal Pradesh
Get services for Employment Exchange of Labor & Employment, Arunachal Pradesh
Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System
Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System (RRFAMS) is an online system for nodal officers of government ministries/departments to examine Recruitment Rues and seek comments/approval of Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) through the system itself. This initiative helps to reduce the overall time taken for finalization of recruitment rules.
Online Application System of Assam Public Service Commission
You can check application system of Assam Public Service Commission of Assam. Users can click on the form for which they wish to check the jobsrecords.
Registration for Para Medical Board Placement Services, Telangana
This application provides information about the para medical placements.Applicants can upload their resumes using this service.