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Login for Integrated Financial Management and Information System, Telangana
Entrusted with the prudent management of Telangana's financial resources, the State Finance Department ensures meticulous maintenance of all financial transaction records. It also plays a crucial role in formulating and administering the state's fiscal policies.
Goods and Services Tax - GST Services
GST is a unified tax system that replaced multiple indirect taxes levied by both the Central and State Governments. Under GST, both the Central and State Governments share the authority to levy and collect taxes on goods and services. This has led to greater harmonization and uniformity in the tax structure across States, promoting economic integration. The GST system follows a dual structure, comprising Central GST (CGST) and State GST (SGST), levied concurrently by the Central and State governments, respectively. Additionally, an Integrated GST (IGST) is levied on interstate supplies and imports, which is collected by the Central Government but apportioned to the destination state.
Online Payment of Professional Tax, Gujarat
This service facilitates applications for Enrollment Certificates (EC) and Registration Certificates (RC), EC payments, updates to names, addresses, and categories, bank details updates, and exemption and cancellation requests in Gujarat.
e-Pauti Online Land Revenue Payment, Odisha
e-Pauti Online Land Revenue Payment by Revenue & Disaster Management Department. The main aim of this application is to provide individuals with a simpler method for making their land revenue payments online. Through this platform, users can conveniently settle their "Khajana" dues and retrieve their receipts online. Additionally, if users misplace their receipts or require transaction details, we also facilitate easy retrieval of transaction numbers and subsequent receipt downloads.
Holding and Property Tax Payment, Odisha
Holding and Property Tax Payment service enables citizens to conveniently pay their essential taxes to their local urban authorities. Odishaone, a unified Integrated Service Delivery portal created by Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC), serves as the front-end interface for all e-Governance Applications across different departments. It aims to offer simple, accessible access to government services, both informational and transactional, anytime and anywhere.
Online Donation to Chief Minister’s Relief Fund, Odisha
Chief Minister's relief fund provides required treatments to the distressed people affected by the major natural calamities like flood, drought, fire accident etc, and it also provides the financial assistance to the needy individuals for their treatment of major diseases like; Cancer, Cardiac surgery & Kidney transplant, Brain Tumor, Liver & Multi Organ failure etc.
Online payment of Government Taxes and Dues, Odisha
Person or entity (“User”) using the services of Odisha Treasury Portal for making online payment of Government Taxes and Dues.
e-AASTHI Citizen Application, Karnataka
The e-AASTHI citizen application is a property tax information system (Aasthi). Citizens can apply for E-Aasthi by filling out an online application and uploading the required documents.
Excise Supply Chain Information Management System, Delhi
The Excise Supply Chain Information Management System is an internet-based application that connects the Department of Excise, Entertainment, and Luxury Tax. The department regulates and controls the manufacture and trade of liquor and narcotics.
West Bengal Student Credit Card
Apply for Student Credit Card, this Scheme is for the students of West Bengal to enable them to pursue education without having any financial constraints.