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Online Renewal of Driving License
A Driving Licence is valid only for a certain period of time and has to be renewed from time to time
Apply for Renewal of Driving Licence in Tamil Nadu
Access to application form for renewal of driving licence (Form 9) in Tamil Nadu is given. Users can download the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are available.
Know your License Detail
Citizens may retrieve their driving license details by specifying the driving license number in the specific format as guided by instructions available online, the date of birth ana d a captcha
Application Form for Grant or Renewal of Learner Licence in West Bengal
Find the application form for grant or renewal of learner’s licence (Form 2) in West Bengal. Users can download the form and fill it according to their requirement.
Online Issue for International Driving Permit on Driving Licence
International Driving Permit can be obtained from the concerned DTO office if the driving licence holder will drive a vehicle overseas.
Apply for Temporary Permit to Transport Vehicles, Kerala
This service is to apply for Temporary Permit to Transport Vehicles, Kerala
File complaints or send suggestions to Ministry of Railways
File an online complaint or send a suggestion to the Ministry of Railways. Users have to fill an online form to complete the process. Information such as complaint details, incident date, name of the staff, place of occurrence, etc. is requires. Personal details like name, contact number, email id, address, etc. must be provide in the form. Users can describe the complaint along with supported documents.
Online Issue of Duplicate Driving Licence
Duplicate Driving Licence can be issued in case of torn or lost. If Driving Licence is lost, First Information Report (FIR) is required to be filed at the Police department.
Online Conductor License
Conductor licence can be issued by the concerned DTO Office
Application for Renewal of Driving License, Bihar
Users can download the application form for renewal of Driving License in Bihar