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Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

6 services

Write to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Users can write to send their suggestions or comments to the Ministry of Environment and Forests. One can fill up this online form with information such as a name, subject category, email id, feedback to send it to the ministry.

Register with Environmental Information System Centre of Nagaland

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Register with the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre of Nagaland. Users have to provide name, organization name, address, contact number, email id, etc. to complete the online registration process. Registered visitors can see and access a wide variety of articles, reports, journals and magazines as well. An online account is created after the registration with the help of which users can access various files and reports.

Check annual performance reports of ENVIS Centre of Nagaland

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check annual performance reports of ENVIS Centre of Nagaland. Users can search reports by year, parameter such as visitor summary, reports, query answer statistics, subject area updated etc. One can also search reports by periodicity such as yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly.

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