Registration and Visa extension for foreigners by Bureau of Immigration
Get detailed information on registration and Visa extension for foreigners provided by the Bureau of Immigration (BOI), Ministry of Home Affairs. Information about registration of foreigners, procedure of registration, documents required for registration, regulations for registration, where to register, special categories for registration, etc. is given. Access to online registration for foreigners is also available. Users can get information on extension of Visa, procedure for Visa extension, documents required, fee, etc.
Online registration for foreigners by Bureau of Immigration
Foreigners visiting India can register online for visa extension, conversion and other related services through this form provided by the Bureau of Immigration, Ministry of Home Affairs. Users can access online registration form and instructions for online registration. Details related to documents required for registration is also available.
Check population of towns and villages of India
Check population of towns and villages of India provided by the Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India. Users can also find state-wise population details for rural areas, towns and urban areas.
Avail online services for Overseas Citizenship of India card
You can get detailed information on obtaining the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) card which is provided by the Foreigners Division of Ministry of Home Affairs. Users can avail various online services such as registration for the OCI card, check status of registration, visa appointment etc. Information on where to apply for the OCI card, how to apply, fees and how to make online application is given.
Apply for Indian Visa online
All visa seekers can apply for Indian Visa online and even check the status of already submitted visa applications. The duly signed physical copy of the application form completed in all respect and submitted successfully, is to be submitted at the concerned Indian Visa Application Center or directly to Indian Mission/ Post, on the scheduled date of interview along with the requisite supporting documents. Applicants need to fill up an online form with particulars such as their name, contact details, religion, date of birth, country of birth, citizenship, passport details, etc. The status of Visa applications can also be checked.
Search Indian Police Service civil list by Ministry of Home Affairs
Check online the Indian Police Service (IPS) civil list provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs. One needs to select a batch, cadre and write name of the candidate to get the information. Users can find information about the officers' date of appointment, date of birth, posts, posting date and place, pay scale, etc.