Ministry of Panchayati Raj

11 services

eGramSwaraj- Simplified Work Based Accounting Application for Panchayati Raj

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eGramSwaraj aims to bring in better transparency in the decentralised planning, progress reporting and work-based accounting.

AuditOnline Facilating Audit in Government

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AuditOnline is a configurable platform enabling Government entities to facilitate their internal and external audits and to comply with the Comptroller and Audit General of India’s (CAG) defined standards and guidelines. It aids effective auditing by ensuring tracking & monitoring of end-to-end auditing process.

Svamitva Scheme by Ministry of Panchayati Raj

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SVAMITVA, a Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of Panchayati Raj was nation-wide launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on National Panchayati Raj Day, 24th April 2021 after successful completion of pilot phase of scheme ( 2020-2021) in 9 states. Scheme is a reformative step towards establishment of clear ownership of property in rural inhabited (“Abadi”) areas, by mapping of land parcels using drone technology and providing ‘Record of Rights’ to village household owners with issuance of legal ownership cards (Property cards/Title deeds) to the property owners.

e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project (e-Panchayat MMP)

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MoPR has undertaken e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project(MMP) with a view to introduce and strengthen e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) across the country and build associated capacities of the PRIs for effective adoption of the e-Governance initiative. Under this project, Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) has been conceptualised which comprises 11 Core Common applications. At present, Panchayat Enterprise Suite has been deployed/operational with 10 Core Common Applications and GIS layer module is under conceptualisation. Besides this one can also know the information on the adoption Status of these Applications across States.

MoPR: India Panchayat Knowledge Portal. One stop for all the Panchayat related information

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The India Panchayat Knowledge Portal (IPKP) is a catalogued repository of Panchayat related knowledge- processes, procedures, learnings, problem solving, innovation and creativity engaged (as lessons learnt) by the States/ other stakeholders, so that various stakeholders can access it for different uses. This would result in central availability of both theoretical and empirical knowledge for all the stakeholders to use.

MoPR: Report on count of Gram Panchayat Development Plan - yearwise

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The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance for the release and utilisation of funds stipulate that prior to incurring any expenditure under the FFC award, proper plans are to be prepared by the Gram Panchayats for delivery of the basic services within the functions devolved to them as per the State laws called the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). Hence, with FFC emphasising on providing financial stability and ensuring effective planning at the grassroots level GPDP gains highest significance. In order to assess the stage of planning where the State is currently at, this MIS has been developed.

MoPR: Sectorwise FFC Grant Expenditure Report - year wise

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Based on the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance, the MoPR issued detailed guidelines for utilizing these grants only through preparation of participatory Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs). FFC award is given based on rural population as per 2011 census @ of Rs. 488 per capita/annum at an aggregate level for 25 Part IX States and J&K. Under the ambit of Fourteenth Finance Commission, the funds provided to the Gram Panchayats can be utilized for certain basic activities as mandated by the FFC guidelines. This report shows the sector wise expenditure of the FFC grant

Check consolidated reports of Panchayats

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Users can access the consolidated reports of Panchayats in all states and union territories of the country. Reports of district Panchayats, intermediate Panchayats and village Panchayats of all states and union territories are available.

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