Ministry of Steel

3 services

Data Dashboard Ministry of Steel

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Dashboard is an interactive and dynamic online platform that captures the performance on various parameters related to steel sector such as steel capacity utilisation, production and consumption, prices, raw material production, trade, stocks and rail production etc. The Dashboard helps in monitoring and analysing the performance of steel Companies on real time basis for different KPIs of Steel sector.

Grievance Redressal - Ministry of Steel

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Ministry of Steel provides a list of officials who are responsible for handling grievances, along with their contact details

National Metallurgist Day Awards

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Ministry of Steel acknowledges outstanding contribution of metallurgists working in the Iron & Steel sector covering the fields of manufacturing, research, design, education, waste-management, energy conservation and their specific contribution to achieve objectives of ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT.

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