Check petition status with Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System
Check status of petition filed with Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System (BPGRS). Users check status of their petition by entering their full name, district name and petition date. Information about petition ticket number, petitioner name, district, current office and petition status can be retrieved.
Register new petition with Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System
Register new petition online with Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System (BPGRS). Users can submit their petition by filling an online form and giving details about petitioner. Petitioner is required to attach copy of petition letter and supporting documents with the form.
Check availability of rooms in Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation hotels
Check room availability in Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation (BSTDC) hotels. Users can check availability of rooms in BSTDC by selecting name of the place, hotel, booking dates, number of days, etc. Information about type and number of rooms available can be retrieved.
Check details of grievance petitions filed to Bihar Chief Minister Secretariat
Check details of a grievance petition submitted through the BIhar Public Grievance Redressal System (BPGRS) to the Bihar Chief Minister Secretariat. Users can search the information by providing details such as name, last name, district, petition date etc.
Avail online services of Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System
Avail online citizen services provided by the Bihar Public Grievance Redressal System. Users can lodge their grievance petitions online. One can also check the status of applications already submitted. The government notices are also available.
Check case status of Patna High Court
Check status of civil and criminal cases pending in the High Court of Patna. Users can check the case status online by providing case type, case number and year. Advance search option is also available.
Check Status of Civil and Criminal Cases at High Court of Patna
Check status of pending cases at High Court of Judicature at Patna, Bihar. Get details about civil and criminal cases. Users can select type of case, case number and year to get status of the case. Advance search option is also provided.