Pay House/Property Tax at Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Users can pay their House/Property Tax in Gandhinagar
Gujarat: Obtain Non-Creamylayer Certificate for Central Government
Applicants may apply for Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for Gujarat Government (Panchayat) (Rural). A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all Government to Citizens Services for citizens of Gujarat State.
Renewal of Driving Licence, Gujarat
A consumer can use this service to apply for a Renew license if the Driving License got expired.
Online Community Hall/Party Plot Booking at Surat
Online Community Hall/Party Plot Booking facility is the easy and convenient way to book the hall/party plot of SMC. You can view the availability details of the hall/party plot and select one of multiple floor(s)/Party Plot for booking. The booking is confirmed on the successful online payment of the rent and deposit amount for selected day(s).
Check details of property tax by Rajkot Municipal Corporation
Check details of property tax online provided by the Rajkot Municipal Corporation in Gujarat. Users can find information by property number. If property number is not known then one can also search by providing the name or address.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Vadodara : Obtaining True Copy of certificates related to birth / marriage / death / police clearance certificate / school living certificate / affidavit / trade / commerce / export
Check process for Obtaining certificates related to birth / marriage / death / police clearance certificate / school living certificate / affidavit / trade / commerce / export from Addl. District Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Ahmedabad : Obtaining True Copy of certificates related to birth / marriage / death / police clearance certificate / school living certificate / affidavit / trade / commerce / export
Check process for Obtaining certificates related to birth / marriage / death / police clearance certificate / school living certificate / affidavit / trade / commerce / export from Addl. District Magistrate, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.
Issuance/Renewal of Fertilizer/Insecticide/Seed License
Application forms are available on this portal. Farmers/Beneficiaries can download application form and after filling form, they can submit over the counter.
Report Missing Person
Citizen can register online complaint of missing person
Bus Concession Pass for Disabled Person, Gujarat
Detailed information on concessions given by the Central and State governments, including bus and train pass concessions for the Disabled.