Apply for Time Slot Reservation for Driving Test, Kerala
This service is to apply for Time Slot Reservation for Driving Test, Kerala
Apply for House Maintenance-Spill Over Scheduled Castes, Kerala
This service is to apply for House Maintenance-Spill Over Scheduled Castes, Kerala
Online Registration of School, Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation
For school registration purposes, utilize the designated platform, streamlining the process for educational institutions to attain official recognition and fulfill regulatory requirements effectively.
Kerala: Life certificate
To avail the service, Citizen has to log in to the Portal.
Apply for D&O Licence (Urban) e-filing for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for D&O Licence (Urban) e-filing for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Apply for ITC Fee Re-imbursement, Department of Minority Welfare, Kerala
This service is to apply for ITC Fee Re-imbursement, Department of Minority Welfare, Kerala
Apply for Registration under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of Service) Act 1996., Kerala
This service is to apply for Registration under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of Service) Act 1996., Kerala
Know your Property Tax and e-payment by Sanchaya Online Services, Kerala
Sanchaya, an egovernance application software suite for Revenue and Licence System in local governments of Kerala. As Sanchaya Property Tax Application has been migrated to KSMART, services for Municipalities and Corporations will not be available in this portal.
State Merit Scholarship, Kerala
State Merit Scholarship, Kerala
Apply for Permit for ND3 - Renewal, Kerala
This service is to apply for Permit for ND3 - Renewal from Excise Department of Kerala. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.