Check daily agricultural commodity market reports of Meghalaya
Check daily reports of agricultural commodities according to markets of Meghalaya online. A calender is provided for users to click on any particular date of any month and year to access the reports of commodities such as rice, vegetables, fruits, pulses, etc.
NHM Behaviour Change Management App
The BCM is an app that can be used to view contents uploaded for training purposes as well as information and SOPs related to the COVID pandemic which are very useful to all sections of people (citizens) and health workers. The main objective of the App is to create awareness on the importance of Behaviour Change through the Mobile App.
Skilled Manpower in Meghalaya
"Skill Hands" is a window for all those who are looking for a job/assignments to work part-time/full-time at their own convenience. It also aims at eliminating advertising cost. Any Person adept in a skill can register themselves in the portal at no cost, the process of registration is completed only on verification of their skill details by the concerned employment officer of the employment exchange. Citizens in need of a skilled hand can register themselves to the portal to avail a directory listing of skills offered.
Apply for Recognition as Provisional/Approved Meghalaya State Tour Operator, Meghalaya
This service is to apply for Recognition as Provisional/Approved Meghalaya State Tour Operator from Tourism. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Application for objecting the inclusion or seeking deletion of name in the Electoral Roll (Form - 7), Meghalaya
Get service for Election Department provides online link to submit any objections about inclusion of name or to seek deletion of name from the Electoral Roll (Form - 7) as part of the Electoral Roll Management System (ERMS), and lists important details such as how to avail the service online, description, eligbility criteria etc
Duplicate Learner Licence
Duplicate Learner Licence can be issued in case of torn or lost. If Learner Licence is lost, First Information Report (FIR) is required to be filed at the Police department.
List of Horticultural Farms/Hubs and Nurseries, Meghalaya
User can check List of Horticultural Farms/Hubs and Nurseries under the Department of Agriculture in Meghalaya.
Measurement / Demarcation of Land
Measurement / Demarcation of Land
Apply for Fire Safety Measures, Meghalaya
This service is to apply for Fire Safety Measures from Home Department Police. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
NEC NGO Portal
Facility to enable NGOs to submit online proposals requesting grants from NEC.