Register as candidate with Employment Exchange of Meghalaya
Register online as a candidate for seeking employment with the Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training of Meghalaya. For registration, a candidate needs to fill up an online form by following the instructions given on the page. One can check the details of registration, renew a request for registration, update registration etc.
Apply for Marriage Certificate in Meghalaya
Married couples or To-Be married couples can apply for a Marriage Certificate. The Couple will apply online, during which a predefined blank form will be generated, which must be duly filled and signed before uploading the same along with supporting documents such as Age Proof (Birth certificate/School Certificate/PAN card) and Identity Proof ( Driving License/ PAN Card/ Voter Card/ Passport). Married couples must also submit Proof of Marriage, and To-Be married Couples must submit an Affidavit that they are not married. The banns of marriage is published in the Marriage Office Notice Board for 30 days. When No Objection has been raised, the couple will receive an SMS form the marriage registrars office, notifying them to make payment, and also to fix the date of Marriage. During the marriage the certificate is generated, Signed by both parties and the marriage registrar. The certificate is handed over to the couple at the end of the ceremony.
Registration of Migrant Workers Under the Meghalaya Identification, Registration (Safety & Security) of Migrant Workers Rules, 2020
Registration of Migrant Workers Under the Meghalaya Identification, Registration (Safety & Security) of Migrant Workers Rules, 2020
Surrender of Class of vehicles (COVs) in Driving License
A driving licence holder may surrender the class of vehicle held in the driving licence which is not required
Apply for Registration of Societies in Meghalaya
Societies operating in Meghalaya can have their Society registered by applying online. Any Member of the society can apply online, during which a predefined blank form will be generated, which must be duly filled and signed before uploading the same along with supporting documents such as the Memorandum of Understanding of the society, and the voters cards of the executive members of the society. Payment must be made through Treasury Challan, and the scanned Challan must also be uploaded along with the other supporting documents. The Societys' Registration Certificate is generated, digitally signed and made available for the applicant to download.
Online Registration System for OPD Ticket in Shillong Civil Hospital
Patients can book for an OPD ticket for an appointment with the doctors in Shillong Civil Hospital or the North East Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences. The ticket is generated there an then on successful application. Patient will make payment at the ORS counter of the concerned hospital before consultation with the doctor.
ConfoNet Case Status, Meghalaya
Get service for Computerization and Computer Networking of Consumer Forums in Country (ConfoNet) enables tracking of case status by specifying Exact Case Number or if that is unknown, to retrieve using various parameters e.g, case type, case category, complainant, respondent, Advocate of either complainant or respondent
Termination of Hypothecation for Vehicle
Applicant may apply for a termination of hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement in the certificate of registration of the motor vehicle which is already registered
Change of Address in RC
Applicant may apply for changing of Address in the Registration Certificate on submission of Address proof within the jurisdiction of the concerned Registering Authority
Online Registration with the Employment Exchange, Meghalaya
Get service for Meghalaya Employment Exchange enables online Registration of job seekers, Online Updation/Modification of Registration, Acceptance of Registration for vacancies from Employers and sponsoring suitable candidates for Employment