Randomized allocation of Inspecting Officers for Inspections under Labour acts by Labour Wing in Punjab
e-Labour Punjab is a single portal for Employer, Employees and Enforcement agencies to interact with one another, promote industrial harmony and increase production. Different welfare and other related schemes and programs for industrial workers are also published on the portal.
Randomized allocation of Doctors for Inspection under Factory act by Factory Wing in Punjab
e-Labour Punjab is a single portal for Employer, Employees and Enforcement agencies to interact with one another, promote industrial harmony and increase production. Different welfare and other related schemes and programs for industrial workers are also published on the portal.
L-3 Retail vend of foreign liquor including beer, wine and ready to drink beverages in a hotel in Punjab
Apply L-3 Retail vend of foreign liquor including beer, wine and ready to drink beverages in a hotel on Invest Punjab portal - Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.
Randomized allocations of Inspecting Officers for Inspections under Factory acts by Factory Wing in Punjab
e-Labour Punjab is a single portal for Employer, Employees and Enforcement agencies to interact with one another, promote industrial harmony and increase production. Different welfare and other related schemes and programs for industrial workers are also published on the portal.
Application for Permission of Installation of above ground Telegraph Infrastructure in Punjab
Application for Permission of Installation of above ground Telegraph Infrastructure in Punjab. Invest Punjab portal is single windows online system for investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab.