Register with State Portal of Sikkim to avail online services
Register on the State Portal of Sikkim online. Users need to provide information such as name, address, email id, contact number, residential address, etc. to get themselves registered on the portal. Registered users can avail various state services such as birth certificate, death certificate, income certificate, SC/ST certificate, land/property registration, etc.
Tourist Information Center, Sikkim
Tourist information center around the sikkim for tourists to make plans for their respective travels
Get Details of Electrictiy Bills, Sikkim
Register online to view detailed electricity bills by logging in with your contract account and installation number. Bills can also be emailed.
Post Matric Scholarship for SC Student, Sikkim
Apply online scholarship for students having sikkim idenity and belonging to the community SC with annual family income below or equal to 2.5 Lakhs.
Apply for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Certificate, Sikkim
Get service for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Certificate, Sikkim
Post Matric Scholarship for EBC Student, Sikkim
Apply online scholarship for students having sikkim identity and belonging to communities excluding ST, SC, and OBC (Central) with annual family income below or equal to 1 Lakh
Registred Hotel in Sikkim
Complete list of registered hotel and lodge around the sikkim with web page and contact details. Tourists can contact directly or book hotel from given list.
Check online cause lists of High Court of Sikkim
Search for daily cause lists of the High Court of Sikkim at Gangtok. Users can get details of daily cause lists by selecting date. Cause list can also be accessed by court name, judge name, lawyer name, case number, petitioner name or respondent name. List of pending cases are available.
Apply for OBC Certficate, Sikkim
OBC Caste certificate can be applied online. Certificate can be issued under office of SDMs and BDOs of respective district.
Teachers Eligibility Test, Sikkim
The Teacher Eligibility Test, known as TET, is the minimum qualification required in India for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher. The test is mandatory for teaching jobs in any government schools across India.