Search Notifications of Bihar government
Search for government notifications through e-Gazette Bihar portal. Users can search for notifications issued by various departments of Bihar government. Find notifications by department name, notification number, filter type, etc. Information about notification number, gazette number, notification subject, notification date, notification type, etc. can be retrieved.
Application for International Driving License with Medical Certificate (Form 1A), Bihar
Users can download the application form for International Driving License with Medical Certificate (Form 1A) in Bihar
Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration for a motor vehicle older than 15 years, Bihar
Users can download the application form for Renewal of Certificate of Registration for a motor vehicle older than 15 years, Bihar
Apply for Issuance of Income Certificate at SDO Level, Bihar
This service is to apply for Issuance of Income Certificate at SDO Level from General Administration Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Check Status of Grievance Petition Submitted to Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar
Check status of petition submitted to the Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar. Users can check status of complaint entering petition ID. Petition status can also be checked by the date and petitioner's name.
Medical Certificate for Learning License/Driving License, Bihar
Users can download the proforma of Medical Certificate for Learning License/Driving License, Bihar
Online nursery stock position, Environment and Forest Department, Govt. of Bihar
Users can check online nursery stock position, Environment and Forest Department, Govt. of Bihar
Application for Annual Return (Period ending on 31st December) - Factories Act 1948
Factory Act - Application for Annual Return (Period ending on 31st December) is a service that can be applied for online. The documents needed to apply, number of days within which the service will be delivered after submission of application, application form etc are listed here
Application for Registration and Grant of License of Factory (Form - 2) - Factories Act 1948
Factory Act - Application for Registration and Grant of License of Factory (Form - 2) is a service that can be applied for online. The documents needed to apply, number of days within which the service will be delivered after submission of application, application form etc are listed here
Renewal contract labour registration - Contract Labour Act
Contract Labour Act - Renewal contract labour registration is a service that can be applied for online. The documents needed to apply, number of days within which the service will be delivered after submission of application, application form etc are listed here