Pay electricity and water bills in Chandigarh
Registered users can login to pay and check their electricity and water bill payment details provided by Chandigarh Administration. New users can also register by filling a registration form. Access to tenants and servants registration is also available.
Check details of registered deaths with Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Users can view the details of registered death with the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. One can select circle, ward, date of death, age and gender to access information about a deceased person.
Know your Property Tax and e-payment by Sanchaya Online Services, Kerala
Sanchaya, an egovernance application software suite for Revenue and Licence System in local governments of Kerala. As Sanchaya Property Tax Application has been migrated to KSMART, services for Municipalities and Corporations will not be available in this portal.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Patan : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Narmada : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Chhotaudepur : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Botad : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Rajkot : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Bhavnagar : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Bharuch : Certification for socially and educationally backward classes
Check process for getting a certificate of socially and educationally backward classes from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.