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Integrated Platform for School Expert System, Ladakh
This system shall digitize the records of the school staff and students. It shall be a base platform to expand the ambit of the performance monitoring of school staff and students.
Integrated Platform for School, Teachers and Students, Ladakh
This system shall digitize the records of the students, teachers and school. It shall be a base platform to expand the ambit of the performance monitoring of students, teachers, and schools. The system shall enable the state to track drop outs, eliminate duplications in student registrations, academic progress of each student, promotion to next standard, issue transfer certificates, track children with special needs, incentive distribution, monitor school health program etc.
By This Servcie the School management to get the Recognition as Private School from Education Department by applying through This Service.
Application for revaluation of answer scripts, Karnataka
Students can apply for the revaluation of their theory answer scripts after the announcement of the result within the prescribed time period
Higher Education Scholarship, Kerala
Get service for Higher Education Scholarship, Kerala
Gujarat-Free Uniform assistance to Students of Std.I to VIII of Scheduled Caste
Free Uniform assistance to Students of Std.I to VIIi of Scheduled Caste students belonging to families living below poverty line, according to their annual family income.
Gujarat-Shri Jugatram Dave Ashram Schools Scheme
Voluntary organizations recognized on grant-in-aid basis are sanctioned Ashram School with 30 students intake in the first year and thereafter gradual increase. The Ashram School becomes fully developed when strength of students reaches 120 numbers
Gujarat-Construction of Government Hostels for Girls
To provide infrastructure facilities to the students of higher studies
Gujarat-Mama Saheb Fadke Ideal Residential Schools for Scheduled Caste Scheme
To provide free lodging, boarding and education facilities to the brilliant Schedule Castes students of Std.VIII to 10
Gujarat-Ideal Residential Schools (SEBC)
For admission, the annual income limit of the guardian of the student is Rs. 47,000/- for Rural area and Rs. 68000/- for Urban area.