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Check Complaint Status with Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Tamil Nadu

Users can check the status complaint or grievance lodged with the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, an organisation under the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department of Tamil Nadu government. You can provide a reference number to obtain detailed information on your complaint.

Police Verification Service, Tamil Nadu Police

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Tamil Nadu Police offers citizens the facility of initiating verification services online.

List of fire stations in Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu

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List of fire stations in Tamil Nadu is given. Users can get details about fire station, division name and contact details according to region. Number of fire stations in various divisions is also given.

Check your FIR status filed with Tamil Nadu Police

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Check the status of your complaint or FIR lodged with the Tamil Nadu Police. You have to provide your complaint number to access the complaint status. The facility is provided to help users check their complaints status online.

Check details of police stations in Coimbatore by Tamil Nadu Home Guard

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Check details of police stations located in Coimbatore city provided by the Tamil Nadu Home Guard. Information such as the the police station location and it phone number is provided. One can search a police station by area or pin code.

Check area-wise details of Commanders by Tamil Nadu Home Guard

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Check area-wise details of Home Guard Commanders provided by the Tamil Nadu Home Guard Department. Users can click on the area to get the information pertaining to Commanders' name, name of unit, home guard unit strength etc.