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Online Parcel Services by Indian Railways
Indian Railways' Online Parcel Services enable customers to book and track parcels transported through passenger trains. With an extensive railway network covering the entire country, this service ensures reliable and affordable logistics support for businesses and individuals.
Permission to use Loud Speaker/ Public Address System/ Sound Amplifier, Uttar Pradesh
Individuals and organizations seeking permission to use loudspeakers, public address systems, or sound amplifiers must apply through this online portal. This permit ensures compliance with noise pollution regulations and is mandatory for public events, religious gatherings, and political meetings.
Apply for Status Certificate, Uttar Pradesh
A status certificate is issued to certify the social and financial standing of an individual. It is often required for legal, financial, and government-related matters. Uttar Pradesh residents can apply online to obtain this official document.
Apply for Domicile Certificate, Uttar Pradesh
A domicile certificate verifies a person’s permanent residence in Uttar Pradesh. This document is required for state government job applications, educational admissions, and availing state-specific benefits. The online application process simplifies the submission and verification of residency proof.
Apply for Income Certificate, Uttar Pradesh
Residents of Uttar Pradesh can apply for an income certificate, which serves as proof of income for various government benefits, scholarships, and reservation schemes. The certificate is issued based on verified income sources and is crucial for availing financial assistance from government programs.
Check Agent Daily Cause List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka
Real estate agents involved in legal cases under Karnataka RERA can check their hearing schedules through this portal. The daily cause list includes information about upcoming hearings, case details, and assigned legal officers. This service ensures timely participation in legal proceedings and promotes transparency in dispute resolution.
Check Details of Unidentified Children found by Police in Delhi and Neighbouring States
Users can find details of unidentified children found by the police of seven states under the Zonal Integrated Police Network. One needs to provide details of children such as clothing, complexion, states, and age etc. to access the information. Search can also be made date of finding of children.
Check Project Daily Cause List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka
Users can check the daily cause list for real estate project-related hearings and cases under Karnataka RERA. This list provides details about scheduled hearings, involved parties, and case progress. Consumers, developers, and legal professionals can use this information to prepare for upcoming proceedings.
Check Revenue Recovery Certificate List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka
This service provides access to the list of revenue recovery certificates issued by Karnataka RERA. These certificates are issued when developers fail to comply with financial obligations, such as refunds or penalties. Consumers and financial institutions can use this information to assess a developer’s financial standing and regulatory compliance.
Apply for Certified Copy in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka
Individuals can request certified copies of official documents related to real estate projects, agent registrations, complaints, and judgments from Karnataka RERA. These documents serve as legally recognized records for verification, legal proceedings, or compliance purposes. The online application process simplifies access to important regulatory documents for consumers and stakeholders.