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e-Samadhan Public Grievance Monitoring System of Himachal Pradesh

eSamadhan is an online public grievance monitoring system set up by the government of Himachal Pradesh. Users can submit application of grievances or demand, know current status of grievance or demand by entering application number. Users can also receive status of application through SMS and view other information like grievance cell, committees, etc. Login facility is available for various government departments and officials.

Land Record, Himachal Pradesh

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Online Jambandi, Shajra and Tatima/Musavi

Online Registration of Society under The HP Societies Registration Act, 2006

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The Socities under Act, 2006 can submit their soceity registration application online , can track its status and download eCertificate on approval

Check detials of Registered Sociteies under HP Cooperatives Socities Act.

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The citizen can search for the registered socities in the State

Papers Laid on the Table of the House

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Check other papers laid on the table of the House such as Administrative Reports, Annual Reports, Recruitment and Promotion Rules, Annual Audit Reports, CAG Reports etc.

House Committee Reports

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Check House Committee Reports of Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh. Users can select Committee Name, assembly session and get House Committee Reports laid on the table of the House.