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Employment Bank services, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers services to employers to post job openings; to job seekers to apply for the available job openings; to institutions to share data about the students who are in Final Year or have Passed-out; for the Persons With Disabilities (PWD); for all workers; and for Career guidance
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Post & fill job openings in Employment Bank, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers services to employers and placement agencies to post & fill job openings with facilities such as advertise jobs, resume search, get auto-matched profiles for job openings, selection reporting once a job opening is filled from Employment Bank
Enroll to post & fill job openings in Employment Bank, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers services to employers and placement agencies to enroll so that they may post & fill job openings
List Students in Employment Bank, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers service to Institutions to list the students who are in Final Year / Passed out & may be eligible for employment
Search for jobs in Employment Bank, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers job search services to job seekers; job seekers may also take mock tests
Enroll for jobs in Employment Bank, West Bengal
West Bengal Government offers services to job seekers to enroll so as to be able to seek job openings