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Pay your Water Bill Online, Bangalore

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage - BWSSB has enabled citizens to pay their bills at their convenient instead of waiting till due date by using the different payment options. Consumer is required to enter mobile no or mail id and verify through OTP to proceed for payment.

Check Agent Daily Cause List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka

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Real estate agents involved in legal cases under Karnataka RERA can check their hearing schedules through this portal. The daily cause list includes information about upcoming hearings, case details, and assigned legal officers. This service ensures timely participation in legal proceedings and promotes transparency in dispute resolution.

Check Project Daily Cause List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka

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Users can check the daily cause list for real estate project-related hearings and cases under Karnataka RERA. This list provides details about scheduled hearings, involved parties, and case progress. Consumers, developers, and legal professionals can use this information to prepare for upcoming proceedings.

Check Revenue Recovery Certificate List in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka

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This service provides access to the list of revenue recovery certificates issued by Karnataka RERA. These certificates are issued when developers fail to comply with financial obligations, such as refunds or penalties. Consumers and financial institutions can use this information to assess a developer’s financial standing and regulatory compliance.

Apply for Certified Copy in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka

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Individuals can request certified copies of official documents related to real estate projects, agent registrations, complaints, and judgments from Karnataka RERA. These documents serve as legally recognized records for verification, legal proceedings, or compliance purposes. The online application process simplifies access to important regulatory documents for consumers and stakeholders.

Check Online Payment Status in Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Karnataka

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Applicants who have made online payments related to Karnataka RERA services, such as project registrations, agent registrations, or complaint filings, can check the status of their transactions. The portal provides updates on payment confirmations, pending payments, and transaction history to ensure transparency and accountability in financial dealings with the authority.