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  • SMS Alerts to pensioners, Haryana

SMS Alerts to pensioners, Haryana

This service is used Pensioner to receive SMS from Finance Department regarding updation of Life Certificates and PPO updation.

Check Kiosk Parameter, Haryana

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Checking kIosk paramerter, Harayana

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Pension Application for Media Person, Haryana

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Pension Application for Media Person, Haryana

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Apply for Accrediation Media Personnels, Haryana

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This service is to apply for Accrediation Media Personnels from Information, Public Relations and Languages Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    Service Plus
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Haryana: Policies under the E-Mail service of the Government

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E-Mail Policy of Government Of India. Guidelines for E-mail Account Management and Effective E-mail Usage Gazette notification of E-mail Policy of Government of India Policy on use of IT resources of Government of India Guidelines for Use of IT Devices on Government Network Gazette notification of Policy on use of IT resources of Government of India NIC Policy on format of e-mail Address Email Services And Usage Policy Password Policy Security Policy For User Service Level Agreement Policy for Distribution List Services New

NIC email account services

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Email related services cover various areas, such as, creation of new email account, activating inactive accounts, reset passwords, enable IMAP facilities, etc. The Central Government System is being implemented for benefit of Government of Haryana. Technical Support to users and handling servicedesk/helpdesk issues are also part of the system. The users visit the website https://mail.gov.in to access the email accounts. For services, like creation of new email account, enabling IMAP facilities, etc., the user has to fill form online given under the link 'Download Form' . The filled form after all formalities is to be forwarded to us for necessary action