Education and Learning

1323 services

Check district wise details of schools in Madhya Pradesh

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Find information about the availability of schools in various districts of Madhya Pradesh. Users can select the district name and access the detailed report about the number of primary schools, middle schools and high schools in that district.

Check details of teachers in district schools of Madhya Pradesh

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Find details related to teachers in district government schools of Madhya Pradesh. Users can select district, block, teachers criterion and school category to access information about teachers in district schools of the state.

Check schools with no teachers in Madhya Pradesh

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Users can find details of schools with no teachers in Madhya Pradesh. One can select the district and block name to access the detailed information about the schools and teachers' details.

School-wise summary of free uniform demand and distribution for girl students in MP

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Users can get the school-wise and class-wise status of demand and distribution of free school uniform among girl students of classes 1 to 8 in Madhya Pradesh. The user has to select the district, block and the school to access information related with demand and distribution of uniforms.

Check district-wise summary of scholarship distribution in Madhya Pradesh

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Find district-wise summary of scholarships distributed to weaker class students in Madhya Pradesh. Users can view details such as name of the district, number of boys, girls eligible for scholarship in pdf and excel format.

Check district-wise summary of enrollment in schools of Madhya Pradesh

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Check district-wise summary of enrollment of students in various schools in Madhya Pradesh. Users need to select session, month and name of the district to view the list. The list can be viewed in pdf or spreadsheet format also.

Search for government schools recognized by Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

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Search online for government schools recognised by Board of Secondary Education of Madhya Pradesh. Users can get list of recognized government schools in MP by selecting district. Details related to school code number, school name, subjects offered and medium of education can be retrieved.

Search for private schools recognized by Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

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Search online for private schools recognised by Board of Secondary Education of Madhya Pradesh. Users can get list of recognized private schools in MP by selecting district. Details related to school code number, school name, subjects offered and medium of education can be retrieved.

Online application form for student scholarship in Madhya Pradesh

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Apply online for a new scholarship available for students of Madhya Pradesh. This online form is provided by the Madhya Pradesh Government. Applicant students need to select criteria such as type of college/school, district, etc. to get the online form for scholarship.

Search NGO details from directory of NGO Partnership System

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Search details of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) in the online directory of NGO Partnership System under Planning Commission. Users can search NGOs by its name, stat or district of functioning and sector/key issues undertaken.