Electricity, Water and Local services

5089 services

Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO)

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Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO) is tasked with planning, constructing, and maintaining Telangana's transmission network to meet increasing demand and generation. They utilize advanced technology to ensure high availability, low operational costs, reliability, and safety.

Apply Online Aids and Appliances Registration, Telangana

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Online applications are hereby invited from the eligible Persons with Disabilities irrespective of caste & gender to avail free of cost Assistive Aids & Appliances viz., Retrofitted Motorized Vehicle(only SC/ST/Women PwDs are eligible), Battery Wheel Chair, Laptop, 4G Smart Phone, Daisy Player

Apply Online for Washerman and Nayee Brahmin Federations, Telangana

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BC Welfare Department was bifurcated from Social Welfare Department in the year 1975 and a separate Department was constituted in the Secre​tariat in 1994 vide G.O.Ms.No.72, ​Dt.22.02.1994. The BC Service Co-operative Finance Corporation was formed in 1974. The Backward Class​​es Welfare Department focuses on the welfare and development of Backward Classes.

Integration of Revenue and MSME services in Single Window Portal of Guidance Bureau, Tamil Nadu

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Software under ServicePlus to use the Wet land for other purposes, Individual / Firm/ Company/ Institution has to obtain prior concurrence. Integrated with Guidance Bureau.

Search your Land Service (as per new Survey), Bihar

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Department of Revenue & Land Reforms, Bihar offers users the convenience of using its "Apna Khaataa khojein (naye Survey ke anusar)" / "अपना खाता देखें (नए सर्वे के अनुसार)" / "Search your land (New Survey)" service to locate authorized inscriptions online for their land holdings

Certified Copy of Mutation Order, Assam

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Users can download the application form for getting certified copy of mutation order in Assam

Issue of records of right (jamabandi), Assam

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Users can download the application form for issue of records of right (jamabandi) in Assam

Citizen Registration for Character Certificate Request, Odisha

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Citizens may register on citizen portal to obtain Character Certificate. Character Certificate is provided by Odisha Police under Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Project.

Social Welfare Department Schemes and Programs, Chhattisgarh

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Social Welfare Department is conducting schemes and programs for the holistic rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, senior citizens, widows, abandoned women, dwarf persons and third gender persons as per the departmental acts, rules and guidelines. Opportunities are being provided by the department through various departments to develop their empowerment.

Office of the Resident Commissioner, Chhattisgarh

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Check and get information about resident commissioner of chhattisgarh.