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Maharashtra: Application form for Enrolment of Pregnant women at Anganwadis
Apply for Application form for Enrolment of Pregnant women at Anganwadis in Maharashtra provided by the Women And Child Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 5 Days.
Maharashtra: Financial Assistance to Pregnant women under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana (IGMSY)
Apply for Financial Assistance to Pregnant women under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana (IGMSY) in Maharashtra provided by the Women And Child Department. Information about guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 5 Days.
Apply for Relief and Rehabilitation of Women Acid Victim, Haryana
This service is to apply for Relief and Rehabilitation of Women Acid Victim from the Women and Child Development Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Shalabham Scheme, Kerala
The visible and functional birth defects as one of the major etiology for neonatal and infant mortality and morbidity in Kerala. This comprehensive screening program aims for 'Quality Survival beyond Survival' of new-born by screening them in all four domains at the appropriate time
Apply for Petrol Subsidy to Physically Handicapped Person, Chandigarh
This service is to apply for Petrol Subsidy to Physically Handicapped Person from Department of Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Hridyam Scheme, National Health Mission, Kerala
This service is to apply for Hridyam for little hearts' improves the care pathway and ensures service delivery at the optimal time, for children with Congenital Heart Disease.
Apply for National Trust Niramaya Insurance Scheme for the Disabled, Kerala
This service is to apply for National Trust Niramaya Insurance Scheme for the Disabled
Apply for Treatment Grant SC/ ST Development Department Kerala
This service is to apply for Treatment Grant SC/ ST Development Department Kerala
Apply Online for Area Expansion under National Health Mission (NHM) Schemes
Applicants wants to work on area expansion in agriculture field for that he can use the application for area expansion under National Health Mission (NHM) Schemes(Non- Resident of Andaman can’t apply this service).
Apply Online for Retail / Wholesale Drug License
Apply Online for Retail / Wholesale Drug License