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Application form for Cancellation of Ration card
Beneficiary can cancel the ration card by filling this form. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Application for amendant / enhancement of Biometric fingerprint - Form No.10
Beneficiary can update Fingerprint by filling this form. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Regarding Improving Barcoded Ration card (Update surname and clerical error) Form No. 6A
Beneficiary can update surname and other clerical mistakes by filling this form. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Application form to get New Barcoded Ration card Separation - Form No.5
Beneficiary can get new separate barcoded ration card by filling this form. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Name Deletion in Current Ration card - Form No.4
Beneficiary can delete name from existing Ration card. Beneficiary can download online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
New Ration card - Form No.2
Beneficiary can get new Ration card by filling this form. Beneficiary can download the online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Kutch : application for organization card
Check process for getting organization card from Taluka Mamlatdar Shree Office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Kutch : Application for change of name or other details in ration card (except address)
Check process for change of name and other details in the ration card (except address) from Taluka Mamlatdar Shree Office/Rural area/ Urban area office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Kutch : application for change of address in the ration card
Check process for change the address in the ration card from Taluka Mamlatdar Shree Office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Kutch : application for deleting name from ration card
Check process for deletion of a name in ration card from Taluka Mamlatdar Office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.