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Gujarat: Obtain Non-Creamylayer Certificate for Central Government
Applicants may apply for Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for Gujarat Government (Panchayat) (Rural). A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all Government to Citizens Services for citizens of Gujarat State.
Gujarat: Obtain SC/ST Caste Certificate
Applicant may apply online to avail SC/ST Caste Certificate on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat: Obtain Domicile Certificate
Applicant may apply online for Domicile Certificate on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat: Obtain Economically Backward Certificate (Panchayat)
Applicant may apply online for Economically Backward Certificate on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat: Obtain Religious Minority Certificate (Panchayat)
Applicant may apply online for Religious Minority Certificate (Panchayat) on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat: Obtain SC/ST Caste Certificate (Panchayat)
Applicant may apply online for SC/ST Caste Certificate on the Digital Gujarat portal.
Gujarat-Loan for Study Abroad (SEBC)
Socially and Economically Backward Classes (SEBC) Students may apply for study loan to study abroad if applicant has secured admission in foreign University/College/Instituation.
Gujarat- Financial Assistance to Law and Medical Graduates (SEBC)
A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all Government to Citizens Services for citizens of Gujarat State. Financial Assistance to Law and Medical Graduates (SEBC). Annual Income Limit for Rural Areas Rs. 47,000/-.Annual Income Limit for Urban Areas Rs. 68,000/-.Should be graduate in Legal / Medical branches.
EBC (Economically Backward Class) Application Form, Andhra Pradesh
Get services for Post-Matric Scholarships so as to consider eligible Economically Backward Class (EBC) students from all communities (except those belonging to S.C./S.T./B.C/ Minority for whom separate Scholarship.
State Scholarship Portal, Karnataka
Get services for State Scholarship Portal, Karnataka