Education and Learning

1325 services

Check details of teachers in district schools of Madhya Pradesh

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Find details related to teachers in district government schools of Madhya Pradesh. Users can select district, block, teachers criterion and school category to access information about teachers in district schools of the state.

Check schools with no teachers in Madhya Pradesh

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Users can find details of schools with no teachers in Madhya Pradesh. One can select the district and block name to access the detailed information about the schools and teachers' details.

School-wise summary of free uniform demand and distribution for girl students in MP

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Users can get the school-wise and class-wise status of demand and distribution of free school uniform among girl students of classes 1 to 8 in Madhya Pradesh. The user has to select the district, block and the school to access information related with demand and distribution of uniforms.

Check district-wise summary of scholarship distribution in Madhya Pradesh

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Find district-wise summary of scholarships distributed to weaker class students in Madhya Pradesh. Users can view details such as name of the district, number of boys, girls eligible for scholarship in pdf and excel format.

Check district-wise summary of enrollment in schools of Madhya Pradesh

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Check district-wise summary of enrollment of students in various schools in Madhya Pradesh. Users need to select session, month and name of the district to view the list. The list can be viewed in pdf or spreadsheet format also.

Check list of Free Cycle Distribution scheme beneficiaries in Madhya Pradesh

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Check list of students benefited from the Free Cycle Distribution scheme of Madhya Pradesh. Users can search beneficiary students' details by providing year, name of the district, name of the school or institutions, status, etc. Reports can also be exported in spreadsheet.

Check NCERT school syllabus for students

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Check the school syllabus for class I-XII provided by the National Council for Educational Research and Training. Users can also find syllabus for revised and additional courses. One needs to select his or her school education level to find the syllabus.

Online Alumni Registration with University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir

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Register as an alumnus (ex-student) of Jammu University. Users have to provide personal information such as last name, first name, present address, city, country, date of birth, phone number, email and interests. Users can also upload their picture. Information like professional details also like organization, designation and other details are also required. Academic details such as degree or specialization, department, year of passing and other information of the alumni should be filled.

Website of Institute of Management in Government, Kerala

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Register online to receive news on important events of Institute of Management in Government, Kerala. Users needs to provide information such as name, email, mobile number, designation, etc. to register. One will receive news alerts on lecture series by eminent persons, workshops details, seminars, training programmes, etc.

Check Results Declared by University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir

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Check online results of various examinations conducted by the University of Jammu. Users can get results of B.Ed., B.A., B.Sc., BCA, B.Com, etc. by entering name or roll number. Re-evaluation results are also available.