Agriculture, Rural and Environment

1776 services

Farmer Search Record, Haryana

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Get service for Farmer Search Record, Haryana

Member Registration in the Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies, Odisha

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Apply for member registration in the Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies. The Directorate of the Registrar of cooperative societies is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of policies and programmes of the Central and State Governments for the benefit of farmers and other economically weaker sections through cooperatives and for strengthening the cooperative movement.To achieve these objectives, the Directorate looks after administration, supervision, monitoring and regulation of the Cooperative Societies functioning in the State in various sectors.

Dashboard of National Tribal Research Portal

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The National Tribal Research Portal serves as a digital platform facilitating Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs), Research Institutes, and Centers of Excellence (CoEs). Through this portal, these institutions can conveniently submit various types of information, including details on sanctioned projects, quarterly progress reports of these projects, and initiatives based on affirmative action.

Mizoram State Portal

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Official State Portal for Government of Mizoram

National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD)

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Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change enables login to a portal for engaging on projects such as National River Conseration Directorate (NRCD), National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems (NCPA), National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP), National Wetlands Conservation Program (NWCP)

Online submission & monitoring of forest clearance proposals by Ministry of Environment and Forests

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Avail services for Online submission & monitoring of forest clearance proposals provided by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Users can sign up and login to avail services for forest clearances of proposals. You can access the court Rules, Acts, Orders, Directions, etc. Information about the Forest Advisory Committee is also given.

Check Details of Plantation & Other Forestry Works (e-Green Watch)

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"Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change offers an e-Governance Portal for automation, streamlining & effective management of processes related to plantation & other Forestry works, with the supervision of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA), set up under the Chairmanship of Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India"

e-License For Agri-inputs, Odisha

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e-License Seed, fertilizers and insecticides are the power nerves of the Agriculture. Maintaining a good health of the distribution channels for these three critical Agri-inputs is the only way to ensure a healthy ecosystem for the agro economy.

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Inclusion of Farmers in Sourajalanidhi Scheme, Odisha

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Farmers are encouraged to enroll on the GO-SUGAM Portal at to access subsidies under the Saura Jalanidhi scheme. This initiative is designed to promote the adoption of solar energy to support farmers in irrigating their fields. The Saura Jalanidhi scheme utilizes a dug well-based solar pump irrigation system in a convergence mode.

Registration of New Manufacturer and Products approved in last SLTC, Odisha

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Manufacturers / Dealers may fill an online form for Registration and enlistment of Make & models of agricultural machinery, equipment, or tools in DPT implement portal