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Manufacturing Duplicate, Andhra Pradesh
This service facilitate the citizen for apply manufacturing duplicate
Subsidy Seed Distribution Application Form, Andhra Pradesh
Get service for Subsidy Seed Distribution Application Form, Andhra Pradesh
Apply for No Objection Certificate for Manufacturing of Plant Protection Chemicals, Assam
This service is to apply for No Objection Certificate for Manufacturing of Plant Protection Chemicals from Directorate of Agriculture (Directorate of Agriculture - HQ Agriculture). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Final Registration Of New Fresh Aquaculture form Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh
Get services for Final Registration Of New Fresh Aquaculture form Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh
Manufacturing Godown Inclusion, Andhra Pradesh
This service facilitate the citizen for apply manufacturing godown inclusion
Format for Intimation of Film Shooting, Animal Welfare Board of India
Get services Format for Intimation of Film Shooting by Animal Welfare Board of India
Apply for Online Renewal of Registration of Brackish water Wfarm and Hatcheries, Odisha
This service is to apply for Online Renewal of Registration of Brackish water Wfarm and Hatcheries from Directorate of Fisheries (STATE). This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Subsidiy Welfare of Scheduled Caste Families in Fisheries Sector, Haryana
This service is to apply for Subsidiy Welfare of Scheduled Caste Families in Fisheries Sector from Fisheries Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Royalty to Owners of Cultivable Paddy Land, Department of Agriculture Development and Farmers Welfare, Kerala
Royalty to Owners of Cultivable Paddy Land, Department of Agriculture Development and Farmers Welfare, Kerala
Apply for Obtain Dealers License-Seeds, Assam
This service is to apply for Application to Obtain Dealers License-Seeds from Directorate of Agriculture (Directorate of Agriculture - HQ Agriculture). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.