Births, Deaths, Marriages and Child care

1576 services

Check application status for various services in Tamil Nadu

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Check status of application submitted for various services through Tamil Nadu e-district Services. Users can provide details such as application id, applicant's name, date of birth to check the status of an application online.

Post feedback/Suggestion for Himachal Pradesh Government website

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Post feedback for the Himachal Pradesh Government website. Users can send feedback, comments, suggestions or recommendations by providing details like suggestions, name, email id, organisation name, etc. Facility to rate the website related in terms of content, navigation and accessibility is also available.

Submit query online with Himachal Pradesh Government

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Submit queries online with Himachal Pradesh government. Users can seek help on topic of his/her choice. Users can seek help online by providing name, email, phone number, postal address, organisation, query, etc.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
  • More

Post query or suggestions for government departments of Himachal Pradesh

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Send your query, suggestions, complaints or grievances pertaining to the government departments of Himachal Pradesh. Users can also send details of proposed investment plans for the state.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
  • More

Check Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha election results

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Check online the election results of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. Users will need to select a name of constituency to get the election result. Information about constituency name, total electorate, name of candidate, political party, votes obtained and percentage obtained can be checked.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
  • More

Website of Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) gives advice to the state government on all matters relating to state civil services and recruitment for various posts as per requisitions of the appointing authorities. Information on job advertisements, application forms, examination schedule etc. is available. Users can also get details of departmental tests and recruitment results. Information about APPSC, functions, organisational setup, history, responsibilities, annual reports, Right to Information (RTI) etc. is also available.