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Apply for Death Registration for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Death Registration for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Apply for Birth Registrations for Kozhikode Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Birth Registrations for Kozhikode Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Apply for Birth Registration for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Birth Registration for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Search year wise Birth and Death registrations in Kerala
Users can search year wise Birth and Death registrations in Kerala
Memorandum For Marriage Registration in Kozhikode, Kerala
Users can register for Marriage Certificate in Kozhikode, Kerala
Registration of Marriages in Kollam, Kerala
Users can register for Marriage Certificate, Kollam, Kerala
Apply for Birth/Death Registration for Kannur Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Birth/Death Registration for Kannur Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Application Form for Other Backward Classes Certificate in Tamil Nadu
Find the application form for Other Backward Classes (OBC) Certificate in Tamil Nadu. Users can download the form and fill it according to their requirement.
Apply for Death Certificate in Tamil Nadu
Application form to apply for death certificate in Tamil Nadu is given. This form is provided by the Health Department of TN. Information about documents to be attached is given.
Application for Obtaining Certified Copy of Marriage Registration in Tamil Nadu
Get application form to apply for certified copy or certified extract of marriage registration in Tamil Nadu. Users can download the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are also available.