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Gujarat: Obtain Economically Backward Certificate
Applicant may apply online for Economically Backward Certificate
Karnataka State Portal
Get information on history, language history, customs, rituals, religious practices, cultural heritage, awards received by the state, state awards, information of districts and their representatives, Complete contact directory ranging from the honourable Governor up to the District Police Superintendents, complete information depicting current affairs of the state, comparative analysis of the state with the nation, sustainable development goals, information about tourist attractions etc.
Application Form for Death Certificate in Maharashtra
Apply for Death certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Check online certificate status for Birth and Death with Mysuru City Corporation, Karnataka
Users can check online certificate status for Birth and Death with Mysuru City Corporation, Karnataka
Haryana: Modification in the details of an existing Ration Card
Applicant visit nearest Department PR Center OR CSC OR Atal Sewa Kendra with Duly filled Form with requisite documents. Data Entry Operator will feed in the information in the system through his/her login.
Birth Certificate for S.A.S.Nagar - Mohali Municipal Corporation, Punjab
This service allows residents to apply for a digitized copy of a birth certificate, crucial for legal identity and access to services.
Application Form for Scheduled Caste Certificate in Delhi
Get application form to obtain Scheduled Caste (SC) Certificate in Delhi provided by the Revenue Department, Delhi. Users can download the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are also available.
Apply for Online Valuation Certificate
Valuation Certificate is a certification provided to the citizen by the government confirming and testifying that the asset / property held by he/she is of such value in A&N Islands. This certificate establishes the Valuation of the asset / property held by the citizen for all legal and official purpose. This certification helps the applicant thereby making him / her eligible for various government scheme, programs, benefits, loans etc. as the case maybe.
Apply for Shifting of Residence, Correction of Entries in the Existing Electoral Roll, Replacement of Epic, or Marking of PwD
Fill Form 8 to get EPIC with updated or replacement or marking of PwD. The application can be made by a registered/enrolled elector for shifting of residence, or for correction of entries or for issue of replacement EPIC or for marking as PwD.
Birth/Death Registration for Bhopal Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh
Get service for Birth/Death Registration