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Correction in Birth Certificate, Chhattisgarh
Citizen can apply for correction in already issued Birth Certificate
Application Form for Birth Certificate in Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Residents of Dehradun can obtain their birth certificate online by downloading the application form from the municipal corporation's website. This service facilitates the registration of births.
Application Form for Death Certificate in Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Users can download the application form for a death certificate from the Dehradun municipal corporation website. This form is necessary for registering and obtaining a death certificate.
Birth and Death Certificate in Nashik Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra
Hospitals in Nashik can register births online for issuing birth and death certificates. This service streamlines the registration process, ensuring timely issuance of certificates and accurate record-keeping.
Register Births and Deaths, Issue Certificates, Puducherry
Computerized certificates of birth and death are issued through Common Services Centres in Puducherry at Rs. 11 per copy. This service ensures efficient and accessible vital records management.
Birth & Death Registrations for Ongole Municipal Corporation, Andhra Pradesh
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Birth/Death Registration for Durg Municipal Corporation, Chhattisgarh
This service allows for the online registration of births and deaths in Durg, streamlining the process for obtaining essential documents.
Apply for Marriage Certificate (Common) for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
This service is to apply for Marriage Certificate (Common) for Kollam Municipal Corporation, Kerala
Birth Registration for Hospet Municipal Corporation, Karnakaka
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Birth/Death Registration for Aurangabad Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra
Residents can register births and deaths online, obtaining necessary legal documents through a streamlined process.