Travel and Tourism

290 services

Online Book Bus Ticket by Tourism Development Corporation, Himachal Pradesh

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Book bus tickets through online bus reservation system by Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) for various destinations in Himachal Pradesh and local sight seeing tours in HP. Users can check the availability of seats and register for online reservation of HPTDC buses. Information about more transport facilities and guidelines for using online application is also available.

Download feedback form of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

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Register your comments, suggestions, queries and feedback with Tourism Department of Himachal Pradesh through an online form. Users can submit their feedback by entering name, email address, subject and message. Users can also attach a file with the form.

Book Hotel Rooms Online in Haryana

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Book rooms in hotels and resorts of Haryana online. Users have to select the district, resort and date to check the availability of Room. Users can also get registered by filling an online form. Registered members can login and check the availability status.

Online enquiry form for Amarnath Yatra, Jammu and Kashmir

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Submit general enquiry form for Shri Amarnathji Yatra online provided by the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board. Users can enter name, email and query details to get requisite information.

Avail online services of Delhi Tourism and Transport Development Corporation

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Get detailed information about Delhi Tourism and Transport Development Corporation (DTTDC). Information about the Delhi and its transportation services, accommodation, cuisine etc. is provided. Users can book online tickets for LTC tour packages, car rental packages and various tour packages organized by the Corporation. Details about various museums, movie theaters, auditoriums, art galleries, adventure sports, Golf clubs in Delhi are also available. Links of travel tools, travel tips, eating out are given.

Online Seva Portal by Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams, Andhra Pradesh

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Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam offers services to the devotees by providing Online Seva Portal. Users can access services like online booking of accommodation, online donation, etc. Information on sevas and darshan can be viewed through e-seva and e-sudarsanam. User can get updated information through TTD Seva Portal by registering themselves.

Track current location of running trains of Indian Railways

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You can online track the current location of running trains of the Indian Railways. Users can check the location of train by entering details of arrivals, departures, passing by trains, destination, etc. A map is also provided to see the location of running trains.

Send suggestions and feedback to Rajasthan Tourism

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Send suggestions and feedback to the Department of Tourism of Rajasthan. Users need to enter email address, subject and suggestion for submission of feedback or suggestions.

Check train time table online of Indian Railways

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Check timings of trains of Indian Railways. User can get the train schedule by filling up at least three characters of the train name or the number of train. Information about train name, train number, source station, days on which train runs, destination, etc. is provided.

Check upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways

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You can check the upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways. The list can be check by providing the train's name or number and chart date. To benefit waitlisted passengers and the railways in terms of filling up vacant accommodation in various trains, the Railways had introduced a scheme, on an experimental basis, to upgrade full fare paying waiting list passengers to the next higher class against the available vacant accommodation.