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MPBSE Main Exam Correction
MPBSE Main Exam Correction, Board Services for Students i.e Admission ,Enrollment,Examination form,Result,Document verification,This service under Government of MP can be avail through MPOnline portal and as MPOnline kiosks as well. To avail this service please visit your nearest MPOnline kiosk or MPOnline portal. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), time line applicable fee etc kindly visit www.mponline.gov.in. For trace out your nearest kiosk please visit https://www.mponline.gov.in/Portal/UserInterface/KIOSK/AuthKIOSKList.aspx. You can also call MPOnline Customer Care (8:30 AM - 10:00 PM ) : 0755-4019400
School Education & Literacy Development Department, Jharkhand
Get service for Department of School Education & Literacy Development provides access to details such as Acts, Rules & Policies, Departmental Documents etc
Online application for Duplicate Document
Online application for Duplicate Document , Mpbse Duplicate Mark sheet/Certificate/Migration service,This service under Government of MP can be avail through MPOnline portal and as MPOnline kiosks as well. To avail this service please visit your nearest MPOnline kiosk or MPOnline portal. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), time line applicable fee etc kindly visit www.mponline.gov.in. For trace out your nearest kiosk please visit https://www.mponline.gov.in/Portal/UserInterface/KIOSK/AuthKIOSKList.aspx. You can also call MPOnline Customer Care (8:30 AM - 10:00 PM ) : 0755-4019400
Gujarat-Scholarship to the disable students (Director, Social Defense)
This scheme is implemented with a view to impart education to the Disable children of economically weaker guardians to purchase necessary materials for their education and to instigate education among them, thereby minimizing the educational expenditure to some extent.
Apply online for Pre Permission of School with Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Maharashtra
Users can apply online for Pre Permission of School with Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Maharashtra
Beti Hai Anmol Yojna,Himachali Pradesh
An Application to Apply for Availing Benefits under Beti Hai Anmol Yojna,Himachal. This scheme aims to make the girl self- reliant with necessary financial assistance and education.
School Student Helpline Lodge Grievances, Odisha
Lodge complaints to Secretary, School and mass education department, Odisha for any problem related to school . One can submit reminder and view action taken details. The complainant has to submit identity proof details and can upload any document related to the complaint.
Chhattisgarh :Transfer Certificate in Government School of Chhattisgarh
Students can apply for Transfer Certificate in Government School of Chhattisgarh
Question Paper requisition Form for Govt. Schools for 9th & 11th Class.
Online Application for Requisite submission of Question Paper count class wise for 9th & 11th of Govt. Schools of MP.
Teachers Transfer Applications, Haryana
Online transfer of teachers by inviting online credential with choices of schools. It processes the transfers through a pre-developed application containing all validation and functionality checks. At the end generates transfer order lists downlaodable by the teachers.