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Gujarat, Collectorate - District Ahmedabad : issue of inheritance certificate
Check process for obtaining of inheritance certificate from Taluka Mamlatdar/Jan Seva Kendra office, required document, fees and download application form.
Access National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation
This scheme provides concessional financing to minorities for self-employment, income generation, and education activities, with a focus on artisans and women from notified minority communities under the NCM Act, 1992.
Jiyo Parsi - Central Sector Scheme for Parsi Community
To reverse the declining trend of Parsi population by adopting a scientific protocol and structured interventions, stabilize their population and increase the population of Parsi in India.
Haryana: Application received for Eunuch Allowance through ASK
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for Enunch Allowance at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Application received for Dwarf Allowance through Atal Seva Kender, Haryana
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for Dwarf Allowance at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Haryana: Application received for FANSGD Pension Scheme through ASK
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for FANSGD Pension Scheme at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Haryana: Application received for FAKM Pension Scheme through ASK
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for FAKM Pension Scheme at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Application received for FADC Pension Scheme through ASK, Haryana
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for FADC Pension Scheme at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Haryana: Application received for Ladli Pension Scheme through ASK
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for Ladli Pension at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.
Application received for Disability Pension Scheme through ASK, Haryana
This service is provided to citizen to submit the application for Disability Pension Scheme at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.