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By the Ajax Police Station Station Officer Failure to give copy of FIR To be provided copy of the FIR
By the Ajax Police Station Station Officer Failure to give copy of FIR To be provided copy of the FIR. This Services of home Department can be avail through various channels enabled by MP Govt. e.g. e-KYC, LSK, CSC, MPO Kiosks. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), timeline applicable fee etc kindly visit MP e-District Website.
The complaint by the Station House Officer Failure to give copy of FIR To be provided copy of the FIR
The complaint by the Station House Officer Failure to give copy of FIR To be provided copy of the FIR. This Services of home Department can be avail through various channels enabled by MP Govt. e.g. e-KYC, LSK, CSC, MPO Kiosks. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), timeline applicable fee etc kindly visit MP e-District Website.
Meghalaya Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System
Citizens can lodge their grievances online by clicking on lodge grievance menu. He or she needs to select the Department to which the grievance pertains, provide personal details and enter specific details about the Grievance and if required, upload related scanned documents. A successful registration of grievance will generate an acknowledgement with a unique registration number which will be received by the complainant in the form of an SMS. This registration number can be used for tracking the status of his/her grievances, for sending reminders and for viewing the action status
Check FIR Status, Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh citizen get information about FIR Status check by District and Police Station.
Chhattisgarh: Police - Application for assistance to families suffering from natural calamities
Check and get information about Police - Application for assistance to families suffering from natural calamities
Chhattisgarh: Police - Application for Insurance Claim Compensation of Unnatural Death
Check and get information about Police - Application for Insurance Claim Compensation of Unnatural Death
Police - Number of Cases Registered in the Station, Chhattisgarh
Check and get information about Police -No. of cases registered in the station
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Rajkot : Obtaining a weapon license for quality protection
Check process for obtaining a weapon license for quality protection from District Magistrate, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.
Maharastra: Financial Assistance to Victim Under SC. ST (POA) Act 1989 and Rules 1995
Check how to apply for Citizen belonging to SC/ST group fallen victim to any kind of atrocity and has lodged complaint against it , is eligible for financial support to further proceed with the same.
SHe-Box Online Complaint Management System
SHe-Box is an online Complaint Management System for lodging complaints related to workplace sexual harassment. Any woman working or visiting any office of Central Government (Central Ministries, Departments, Public Sector Under takings , Autonomous Bodies and Institutions , etc.) can file complaint related to workplace sexual harassment through this SHe-Box.