Application Form for No Objection Certificate in Maharashtra
Apply for No Objection Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Application Form for Living Certificate in Maharashtra
Apply for Living Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Apply for Schedule Tribe Certificate, Mizoram
Residents of Mizoram can apply online for a Scheduled Tribe certificate, an official document needed for accessing various government schemes and legal benefits. This certification validates the applicant’s tribal status for welfare purposes.
Telangana: Application for Family Members Certificate
This application form can be used by citizens to apply for FMC (Family Membership Certificate) so that they can claim benefits from certain schemes ( like Apathbandhu scheme / chief Minister Relief fund / Housing / Relief fund / Exgratia) in respect of the deceased in the family.
Transgender Certificate and Identity Card Services
The Portal provides the facility for transgender person to apply for certificate and identity card from across the country without physical interface through a seamless end to end mechanism. The Transgender certificate and identity card are nationally recognised and provided by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the certificate is a mandatory document to avail the welfare measures being provided under the SMILE scheme.
Duplicate Certificate to MSBTE Students in Maharashtra
Apply for Duplicate Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Concerned MSBTE Board of the Maharashtra state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Transcript Certificate to MSBTE Students in Maharashtra
Apply for Transcript Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Concerned MSBTE Board of the Maharashtra state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Migration Certificate to MSBTE Students in Maharashtra
Apply for Migration Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Concerned MSBTE Board of the Maharashtra state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
First and second School Leaving Certificate of Student in Maharashtra
Apply for First and second School Leaving Certificate of Student in Maharashtra provided by the School Education and Sports Department of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Application Form for Marriage Certificate in Haryana
Apply for Marriage certificate in Haryana provided by the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. Users can fill the details in Hindi Language also.