Civil Registration System - Birth & Death Certificate
The Registration of Births and Death Act (RBD Act) was enacted in 1969 to promote uniformity and comparability in the registration of Births and Deaths across the country and compilation of vital statistics based thereon. With the enactment of the Act, registration of births, deaths and still births has become mandatory in India. The Registrar General, India (RGI) at the Central Government level coordinates and unifies the activities of registration throughout the country. However, implementation of the statute is vested with the State Governments. The registration of births and deaths in the country is done by the functionaries appointed by the State Governments.
Corrections in Birth Certificate - CDMA in Andhra Pradesh
Corrections in Birth Certificate - CDMA in Andhra Pradesh
Application Form for Issue of Birth Certificate in Tamil Nadu
Get application form to apply for issue of birth certificate provided by Health Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can download the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are also available.
Apply for copy of birth certificate issued by Municipal Councils of Goa
Apply online for a copy of your birth certificate issued by the Muncipal Councils of Goa. To apply for the birth certificate, you need to fill up this online form with your personal details and select your Municipal Council where the birth is registered.
Birth and Death Certificate in Nashik Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra
Hospitals in Nashik can register births online for issuing birth and death certificates. This service streamlines the registration process, ensuring timely issuance of certificates and accurate record-keeping.
Birth & Death Certificate for Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Odisha
Get service for Birth & Death Certificate for Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Odisha
Birth Certificate for Jodhpur Municipal Corporation, South, Rajasthan
Get service for Birth Certificate for Jodhpur Municipal Corporation, South, Rajasthan
Birth Certificate for S.A.S.Nagar - Mohali Municipal Corporation, Punjab
This service allows residents to apply for a digitized copy of a birth certificate, crucial for legal identity and access to services.
Application form for Birth Certificate Issuance in Himachal Pradesh
Users can download the application form for Birth Certificate Issuance in Himachal Pradesh
Application form for Birth Certificate Issuance, Himachal Pradesh
Users can download the application form for Birth Certificate Issuance in Himachal Pradesh